Written by Aderinto 'Clefic' Adewole 

I woke up with a very terrible headache, my body was heavy. I had to force my self to turn on my side. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a strange room. The wall paint were different. Well even though I could not remember the paint colour of my real room, I definitely know this is not my room. I found a wall clock on the wall which says 5.30am. Beside the wall clock I found a wedding picture hagging on the wall. I moved closer as the person in the picture who seems to look like me. And it was me standing next to a strange man. When did I get married and who is this strange man.

The bedroom were well decorated. A flat screen television set hung on the wall. I wonder what the sitting-room would look like. The bed were soft like a water-bed. "Oh it is a water-bed", I found out when I finally touched it. A sofa is sitting next to the bed but facing the flat screen-television. The painter must be very good. The art-work on the wall were very facinating. "Ouch!", my head ache again. And I finally managed to get out of bed and take a look around at this strange room and house as a whole.

As soon as I got out of bed, a child, male child to be specific, who seems to be ready for school, cos he was dressed in a certain school uniform, I don't even know which school and carrying a school bag, rushed towards me. "Mummy mummy", he said, "how was your night. Am ready for school.". H should be around 4-year-old

Now this is getting interesting. "Like seriously, it was strange husband from a picture now I have a child", I thought to myself. I never knew I thought loud until the baby boy said,"Mummy what did you say", I had to manage to say "nothing my boy".My boy !!!. The sound of it even sounds strange to me.

"Mummy you promised to  call Lola and bring her home today", he said again. Who is Lola again, this is not getting funny again."Lola has been with grandma for more than two weks now and I hae missed her", atleast he has helped me to solve this puzzle this time. "She will be home dear", I managed to say.

He then kissed me and on the cheek and rushed out the same way he rushed in. I noticed I was on night gown, I will need to put on something mpre comfortable if am to face this strange man. I don't even know or should I say remember what cloth I have in that wardrope. As I moved to the clothe box the door opened again. This time it was be continue... 
