In the ongoing war in Syria a conjoined twins were given birth to. This posted on the twitter account of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent in order to raise fund and continue their work.

       This conjoined twins, named Moas and Nawraz, were in July in Douma, Syria, which is presently a war zone. Moas and Nawraz are joined the chest with protruding intestine. They have now been safely transferred by ambulance to a children’s hospital in nearby Damascus. Syrian doctors had appealed for help from the World Health Organization, saying the twins would die if they were unable to undergo surgery.


       Douma is north of Damascus which have been experiencing heavy war since the war begins in Syria more than 3 years ago. And this have made it difficult for humanitarian help to reach the area. The Syrian Arab Red Crescent have been managing the needy and th wounded for more than eighteen months now and are imploring the World Health Organisation for help on the surgery for these twins. Many people have been offering their prayers for these twins on the  social media of this Red Cross... 

