UK Guardian Newspaper as slam president Buhari to leave his office telling him is time is up.
The Nigeria President have been accused in failing to destroy the Boko Haram. Not only that, also in deteriorating the security of situation in Nigeria.

The president was elected on a hard line platform on security, pledging to end all threats to Nigerian national unity. 

The UK Guardian as called on the president to accept that he has failed to meet up to his expectation on his pledges to destroy completely the Boko Haram. 

Writing for the UK Newspaper, Simon Tisdall, said that the President of Nigeria has failed in destroying the Islamic terror group who are causing great havoc in the country. 

Tisdall argues that far from making Nigeria safer, the president’s policies have created more instability throughout the country.

“Buhari’s harsh approach to unrest of any kind may be causing more problems than it solves across Nigeria as a whole,” he said.

He quotes the International Crisis Group’s analyst for Nigeria Nnamdi Obasi as saying 

Both groups have sent the government their lists of demands, mostly for local control of oil revenues, threatening even more crippling attacks if they are ignored,” Obasi is quoted as saying. “The government’s response – deploying more military assets and threatening an unmitigated crackdown – portends an escalation of the violence.”
