The armed Ijaw youth, who have been said to be having some connection to the Niger Delta Avenger that are currently terrorizing Niger Delta State are currently operating and kidnapping  on Lagos/Ogun State water ways.

They are said to be operating on a river that runs through Akesan (Adexson Bus/Stop), LASU Road, not too far to Iyana-iba, in Lagos State. The river also linked to Egan, Isuti road, Igando area of Lagos State, down to Agbara which also linked to major waterways between Ogun and Lagos State.

The Akesan (Adexson Bus/Stop) and Egan, Isuti road, Igando  rivers, in area of Lagos State, are both sharing boundaries with Imose and Totowu communities via Igbesa, in Ogun State, respectively.


CLEFNET was able to meet an eye-witness who happened to be a reliable source.(Name withheld). Who narrated and shed lights to the darkness on everybody's mind.

The eye-witness narrates as follows:

They carry out their operation fully armed with sophisticated flying boats that surpass the local wooden boat used in these areas. 

These robbers are believed to be living some where on the rivers where the map could not reach them."


According to a reliable source, for the past three (3) weeks, both the indigenes and the non-indigenes of Imose, Totowu, Itekun and Agelete communities have been experiencing great looting of their properties on the river that divides Lagos and Ogun State.


The Eye-witness also gave the report that the Ijaw youth came with fiber lying boat and were also fully armed. The Eye-witness also said that these Ijaw youths normally operates  around 7.30pm to 9.pm in the night. Business men and women, private office workers, civil workers, casual people who were arriving from different places of works, markets or casual visitation are being robbed while on local wooden boat destined to their place called home, both indigens and non-indigenes.

The passengers were being looted of their money, personal mobile phones, rams and chickens needed for certain ceremonies, bread to be sold, and many more.

"I was looted of N120,000, the money I have worked for five (5) months was collected from me", a man said after the incident. 

"I was beaten, my N27,000 and my phone was collected. The beaten was so much that I had to jump in the river to escape.". And others also have their stories to tell. 

The eye witness also said that these Ijaw youth would have been caught during one their operations as their flying boat engines got knocked down and fuel exhausted but they improvised by forcefully removing the engines of the local boats they robbed leaving the passengers stranded in the middle of the river. Until after the robbery that one the boat drivers swam back to the shore to get another boat to convey the passengers back to their destination. Report have also reached us that some of the people leaving in these areas are already vacating the areas for their safety.

Last night a local boat driver and some passenger were abducted while on a boat taking them to their various homes, on Imose river,Igbesa, Ogunn State, under Agbrara-Igbesa Local Government, which runs from Adexon to Imose town.


Report reached us that about three passengers, who chartered the boat, abducted by the suspected Ijaw youths on Tuesday night. A Naval officer and two other men. One the second day of the abduction the Ijaw youth put a call through to one of the family abducted demanding for the ransom of the sum of N7 million naira each.

From the persuasion of the families involved and other community members they decided to reduced the amount to N300,000 for three abducted. The money have been paid but the victims are yet to be released.

News reaching us also have that the community has also mad effort in reaching Nigeria Police Force Headquarter , Zone 2 in Lagos and Agbara Nigeria Police Divisional Headquarters, Ogun State.

If you reading these the people of Imose, Agelete, Totowu, and Itekun communities need your help, kindly rebroadcast this story so as to stop further invasion of these heartless Ijaw youth from extending their boundaries to other places in Lagos /Ogun State, even Nigeria as a whole. 


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